Civic facilitation and activation

For more than a decade, we have been focused on creating spaces for dialogue and active participation in communities. From managing discussion tables for the Future of Europe Conference to animating initiatives in small Italian villages, we have gained a deep understanding of civic engagement and territorial activation processes.

Our experience allows us to accompany communities on the path of change, facilitating the construction of shared projects and promoting the development of a sense of belonging and responsibility.

Workshops and labs

We organize and conduct thematic workshops to involve citizens in defining projects and strategies.

Co-design tables

Facilitation of meetings among different actors (government, citizens, associations) for the co-creation of innovative solutions.

Lectures and discussions

Moderation of public events to encourage discussion and exchange of ideas.

Participatory methodologies

Use of participatory tools and techniques (Ex: Design Thinking) to actively engage citizens and different stakeholders.

Territorial animation

Design and implementation of initiatives to revitalize the territory and enhance local resources.

Construction of networks

Facilitation of networking between public and private entities for the development of community projects.

Raising awareness

Implementation of communication and awareness campaigns to promote civic participation.

Co design festivals, cultural and social events

Development of cultural programs and events with direct community involvement to foster aggregation and enhancement of the area’s unexpressed potential.

Fill out the form to collaborate and ask for information

We are ready to work with you to develop the potential of your area, community or business. Fill out the contact form for a customized request and receive more information about our services.