We promote slow tourism that respects the environment and people, enhancing intangible heritage and actively involving citizens.
We create co-design workshops to actively involve citizens in creating a richer and more diverse tourism offer with experiences that enhance their traditions, products, and stories.
We design customized itineraries, mapping out unseen routes to discover hidden places and interesting projects. We activate the local community to collaboratively imagine new models of hospitality and offer travelers an unforgettable experience. A perfect example of this is the Netural Walk format, with which we are bringing walkers from all over the world to discover the villages of the inland areas of Italy since 2013.
We promote responsible and environmentally friendly tourism by offering itineraries on foot, by bicycle or by sustainable transportation. We collaborate with accommodations and local producers to ensure an environmentally friendly travel experience.
We design educational and didactic itineraries designed to help children and adolescents discover the beauty of the area and raise their awareness of the issues of sustainability and respect for the environment.
We support the development of proximity tourism by providing advice and assistance to businesses and communities. We organize workshops, seminars, and events to foster collaboration between different stakeholders in the area and the development of new tourism products.
We enhance towns and rural villages by offering itineraries to discover their traditions, typical products and architectural beauty. We create routes that tell the story and identity of these places, helping to revitalize local economies.
We use gaming as a tool for involvement and participation, to foster mutual understanding among community members and the development of a sense of belongin
We are ready to work with you to develop the potential of your area, community or business. Fill out the contact form for a customized request and receive more information about our services.